Report provided by Angie Davis
Team Lawson puts Huntley back on Winners Trophy at u13 Heartspiel in Prescott
A team from Huntley had a great day of curling and fun at the Prescott Curling Club on February 15. Team Lawson (Lead – Will Scott, Second - Henri Charette, Vice – Ronan Hawkshaw, Skip – Jackson Lawson) won three straight games against excellent opposing rinks from the North Grenville, RCMP, and Rideau curling clubs. The kids gave everyone’s parents such great curling to watch that no one even remembered they were missing the Scotties!
The boys, who are grateful to Ayden Do for his fantastic coaching, amassed the most points to claim the gold medal win for the day. They are proud to have once again put Huntley's name on the Prescott Little Rocks Trophy, which was last claimed by the club in 2016.