Membership Information

Returning members who register and pay before the Membership Preference Date guarantee their returning spot in any league. Renewals received after that date lose preference and are treated as first-come, first served.

Please review our Membership Registration Priority Policy and our Refund and Cancellation Policy. All members are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct.

New members must request an account with Huntley Curling Club.  Enter the required information and the account will be sent for approval. Once you have an account you can login and register to join leagues

Huntley membership fees for all curlers consist of a base fee, an additional fee per league/session and a capital fee (for adults only). Half season memberships are no longer available, but the Come & Curl sessions are each broken into Fall and Winter sessions and are at discount prices.

This year's Membership Preference Date (MPD) is August 1, 2024

Membership Fees 2024-2025

Base Fees
Adult Base Fee $365
Post-secondary Student Base Fee $185
League Fees
Each regular priced league $105
Reduced price leagues
Saturday evening social $80
Friday Morning Stick Doubles $40
Monday Afternoon Come & Curl (Sep to Dec) $20
Monday Afternoon Come & Curl (Jan to Apr) $20
Tuesday Morning Come & Curl (Sep to Dec) $20
Tueday Morning Come & Curl (Jan to Apr) $20
Thursday Morning Come & Curl (Sep to Dec) $20
Thursday Morning Come & Curl (Jan to Apr) $20


Other Fees
Spare Only Membership $200
Non-curling member $100
New member discount ($100)

Youth Membership

Youth Base Fee (Under 19) $50
Each Youth instructional/training session or league
(NOTE: Youth fees will not exceed $260)
Youth Learn to Curl, Age 8-14 (Includes Youth Base Fee) $105
NEW Youth Half-Hacks, Age 6-8 (Includes Youth Base Fee) $50

Add Ons

Capital Fee, added to all adult member fees (Youth/Student excluded) $75
Volunteer Duty Opt-Out Fee (Youth/Student excluded) $120
60:40 full season pre-payment (Adults only) $48
Replacement name badge (1st is free for new members) $12
Locker Rental $30

Learn to Curl Program

Adult Learn to Curl (sessions run Oct-Dec), Includes equipment $300

Paying By Cheque

Our preferred payment method is by credit card, but if you are paying by cheque, please register online and indicate you will be paying by cheque. Your cheque should be made payable to Huntley Curling Club.

Members choosing to pay by cheque will not be guaranteed placement until their full payment is received.

Unfulfilled Volunteer Hours

Each year, adult members are required to volunteer 6 hours of their time (unless they have paid the volunteer opt out fee) to help the curling club operate.

Members with outstanding volunteer hours will be asked to pay the appropriate hourly rate for each hour outstanding at the end of the season. This fee must be paid before they are guaranteed their spots for the following season.

Please review our Volunteer Policy.

Returning Members and Teams

Preference is granted to returning members who register and pay online or by cheque before the Membership Preference Date, noted above.

Team Declaration: Team declaration is made by registering online for a league as a skip, or by registering online and naming your skip if your skip has not yet registered.

Huntley Curling Club Youth Policy

Youth and Student Definition

  • Youth are those under 19 years old as of July 1 of the current curling season
  • Post Secondary Students are those attending a post-secondary institution full-time

Friday Twilight Youth League

This league will be subject to the regular additional per league fee for the season if the player is also registered in in the Huntley curling club youth program, up to the maximum Youth fee. Otherwise regular HCC base membership Youth fees and per league fees apply.

Policy for Youth Curling in Adult Leagues

Before being considered to play in an adult league, the youngest team member must be at least 15 years old as of July 1 of the current curling season, or seek approval of the HCC Board of Directors

Youth playing in adult leagues are expected to pay the usual per league fees, up to the Youth maximum fee.

League convenors will determine if the team will be allowed to play in their leagues. The League convenor’s decision is final.


Member Login

Upcoming Events

  • Mar
    President's Cup Challenge (in Arnprior)
    08:00 AM

Contact Info

LOCATION: 199 Langstaff Dr.
Carp, Ontario, K0A 1L0
Mail: P.O. Box 144,
Carp ON, K0A 1L0
Email: [email protected]
Call: 613-839-3177

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