As the Curling season winds down, it is time to think about Golf. Our Annual Huntley Golf Tournament is once again being held on June 28th at the Greensmere Golf and Country Club with dinner to follow at the curling club. The sign up is now open:
Deadline for entries is April 30th. It is, first come, first serve and last year we had a waiting list.
You may sign up in teams of 4 or as singles or pairs if you like. We will make teams with the singles or pairs. The cost is the same as last year $120 per person and this includes 18 holes of golf, carts and dinner. There will be prizes for event winners and random prize draws for all entrants. The random prizes will be drawn the day before and a list posted at the event to claim your prize. There will be no refunds for a rain out.
We look forward to seeing you all in June for a fun day out. If anyone is interested in joining the Golf committee, please contact Claire Zanetti. Also, if anyone has a business that would like advertising to donate prizes please contact anyone on the committee.
HCC Golf Tournament Committee
Claire Zanetti
Judy Claringbold- Rhude
Bridgitte Devitt
Maureen McDonald
Sarah Terpstra