Inducted April 2018 Nominated by: Murray Pearson
Lorne and Susan joined the club soon after it opened, both curling Friday night Mixed, with Susan also playing in the Ladies League, and Lorne in the Tubman. Lorne served on the Board of Directors for 4 years, serving as Draw Master and President for two years. He managed the many challenges involved in transition from a 2 to a 4 sheeter, as well as managing the ‘sale’ of the club facility to the City, which resolved taxation issues that ultimately saved the Board significant money. He was able to secure a set of stones from the Renfrew Curling Club (known then as the ‘pancake’ rocks) to use on the new sheets. He had to track down two missing rocks that had been previously sold by Renfrew, resulting in a matched set – just one example of his dedication to making the Club a success.
Susan’s contributions to the Club were concentrated on her work in the foodservice area, where her efforts contributed to the success of many bonspiels where food preparation and service was needed. She worked on many of the major bonspiels, such as the Carp Classic and Club Closing dinners, the Carp Fair breakfasts and more recently, the Mad Hatter bonspiel dinners. She was a founding member of the “Washing machine wizards”, the gang that has put together fabulous roast beef dinners for the Club over the years.
Lorne and Susan enjoyed both the competitive and the social aspects of the game. Lorne succeeded in representing the Club in Provincial Intermediates competition. His teams also won the Tubman and Ottawa Valley Seniors leagues. While competing was important, Lorne was also the driving force in establishing and managing the Carp Classic, a major cash spiel held at the HCC for several years that drew in many of Ottawa’s top rinks to compete. Not only did it bring in financial rewards, it also brought recognition of our Club, as word spread of our quality facility, ice and foodservice capabilities. He was the only HCC team to ever win the Classic, a testimony to his curling prowess. Susan’s team won the Ladies league, and she was a well-liked member of the Friday Mixed league.
Lorne has been active in Valley curling for many years. He and Susan have represented the club well through their participation in many bonspiels in and outside the Club, socially, and in many OCA events. Lorne is well known in Ottawa curling circles for his prowess at the game. He agreed to share his knowledge by hosting a skip’s clinic, and assisted HCC’s Junior Curling program by providing on-ice coaching for Jill’s top team. Through their continued involvement and efforts over the years, Lorne and Susan have contributed to HCC’s reputation as both a competitive and friendly club. I am honoured to nominate them both for this award.
Approved by:
Past President: Judy Waddell
Past President: Cathy Shane
President: Lidia Cormier