Inducted on April 9, 2017 Nominated by: Murray Pearson
Members who have recently joined HCC may not have met Tom or Wayne, unless they have been to an event catered by Stu, Tom and Wayne's famous roast beef dinner.
Both accomplished curlers, they retired from the game a few years ago, but their story goes back a long way. A year prior to the construction of the club, City View Curling Club offered their old ice plant to HCC. The guys generously used their big truck to pick it up, store it on their White Lake property, and deliver it to HCC when the building was ready.
In the ground breaking year, both Tom and Wayne were on the work crews installing the reinforcing mesh prior to pouring of concrete over the insulation slab.
During Carp Fair, they both did Friday morning breakfasts and, from 1998 to 2001, Tom worked all 3 days both morning and noon, including acquisition of supplies for both kitchen and BBQ tent.
During the “Carp Classic” years, both were involved in the kitchen at each event and often at the closing Banquet, whenever their famous “Hip of Beef” was on the menu.
Wayne served on the Board of Directors for a couple of seasons, assuming the role of Draw Master.
In 1998, Tom worked hard with others for over a week installing all of the chair rails and decorative base boards, and a year later, he, Wayne and Stewart Hitchcock replaced the rotting sink tops in the kitchen that had been installed without a water tight seal.
They both were both a driving force in getting the Club off the ground, serving as Founding Members, making significant monetary donations, followed by many years of contributions to the Club. We owe them a debt of thanks - no one is more deserving - I am honoured to nominate them to our Honourary Members Club!
Approved by:
Past President: Lorne Rice
Past President: Cathy Shane
President: Lidia Cormier