Reported by Cory Mundy
The 2025 Mad Hatter was yet again a huge success. Teams sporting great hats and costumes tried their luck with dice. Some came up winners, others not so much. Cheers and groans could be heard across the ice as their fortune was told. Whitney Toogood as always served up amazing food that members couldn’t get enough of. Our horse made their appearance and members roared with excitement as they rooted for victory.

Then the time came that all were waiting for, our hip of beef was raised from the dishwasher. Photos flashed as the 110lbs hip swung in the air and the smell of a perfectly cooked roast filled the club. As our evening came to an end Zach Martin was in attendance and performed for us as we enjoyed dinner and announced our winners.
Team Moran (Russell Morgan, Erin Moran and Elisabeth Cocco) were the event's winner. And Team Albers (Dave albers, Andris Zarin, Charlene Lalonde and Carole Jenkins) won the event's Best Costume, decked out in top hats with bunny ears, dress coats and kilts.